Sunday, February 15, 2009

Women are the Biz ( By Women I mean ME)

Women are the biz. Hands down. I feel like we have overcome so much. I am really happy that Barack won the election and all but I do feel in my heart of hearts that Hil would have done an excellent job as well. This isn't really a political post, its a testiment to woman and their ability to move on from things. The fierceness with which we love and the ability to not keal over and die when shit doesn't go according to plan.

The woman who sticks by her broke ass man, feeds him, gasses his car, gives him top that blows his mind as a reminder to bring home the bacon even. She is the shit. She is strong.

The woman that stands by her man when he is cheating on her. She isn't all that stupid. Just in love. She doesn't get props for being walked all over. She does however get props for saying "F^%$ that nigga" and moving on to the next one and actually trusting and loving the new man and trying again whole heartedly at the whole being happy thing.

Heartache sucks. I believe I have been spared from it in its most raw form but I have felt it to a degree. I let it burn if you will and I think I'm stronger because of it. I feel like I'm staying true to that whole women being the biz thing. I'm not delusional and think that I got it in the bag. But I do feel like I am able to overcome and when the whole process is done I should be ok. This post is more for me than you. Had to remind myself in black and white.

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