Thursday, March 20, 2008

Let's Talk About Sex

Ok guys. We are grown as we wanna be. We have the rights to use our bodies as freely as we want to. As individuals we are entitled to smoke, drink, fuck, suck, pierce, tattoo, clothe and show our bodies in any way, shape or form that we desire. It is not the right of anyone else to judge you and what you do with yours at any point in time.


Please understand people (both the ladies and the fellas) that your body is just that... yours! You should do what you want with your body in a way that you wouldn't feel ashamed or regret at some point. Granted life's mistakes are the recipe of growth and wisdom but be cautious and weary of what you are doing. Look up at the name of this blog LUIAUCD. Loving you includes loving your body and protecting both your health, sanity and heart at all cost. Please consider the consequences of your actions in the long run and not over indulge in the short term VERY TEMPORARY joys of your sexcapeds.

Now let me make myself EXTREMELY clear. Sex is the shit. It is euphoric, recreational, spiritual and sometimes mind boggling. But with out you, sex would not be possible. With out the maintainance of your integrity, self-esteem, pride and wellness with your self you are cheapening and robbing yourself of the heights that sex can provide.You need to recognize that YOU are the shit and with out u... sex would be nonexistent.

I suggest we all take the time to become intimate with ourselves before becoming intimate with one another. Relationships, peace of mind, and reputations would be spared if we would all just take a moment to THINK BEFORE WE ACT. I ain't tellin you how to live just doing my part in hoping that you consider things from all angles.


Madeleine said...

love love love this miss pretty.
i see alot of actions before thought these days...

B Harg. said...

I have a poem sort of in relation to this that shall soon be finished, I will definitely be adding a link to this post when I put it on my page (upon performing it, of course).